Meg Hudson year-end interview

Looking back, looking ahead

Q. Your tenure as President of the Ohio Association of REALTORS is entering its final days. What has serving as the leader of the largest professional trade association in the Buckeye State meant to you personally and professionally?
A:  It has been such an honor to represent REALTORS across this great state in both instances. Representing my peers has helped me grow professionally. I gained an appreciation that people – everyone from lawmakers to the media to consumers – want to hear from us about what is happening in the real estate sector. It was truly rewarding to be able to convey our message. We are the only trade association that works for the consumer to protect their private property rights. I hope I was able to get this point across as I traveled the state on your behalf.

Q. You have an impressive resume of service within the REALTOR organization, including serving in numerous capacities at all levels–local, state and national. What motivates and inspires you to serve in a leadership capacity for the industry?
A:  I have always been a person who wants to make a difference. From the time I was in grade school I have always been involved in civic organizations. Making people’s lives better by serving has always been something I have admired in others, my mother and father in particular. My father, when he was alive, always made time to be involved in civic groups. I encourage all of you…if you’re not involved in your local board, state or national REALTOR organization…to GET INVOLVED! You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference it can make in your life.

Q. The industry continued to make advancements in a number of key areas–experiencing continued success in the legislative arena; passing a financially-sound budget that maintains critical services and protects the organization’s long-term interests within the constraints of a smaller membership base; implementing a program recommended by our Building Advisory Task Force designed to preserve the Association’s most valuable asset; taking significant steps toward offering more online educational opportunities; launching a more aggressive program to capture non-dues revenues; and taking a fresh look at our Strategic Plan to ensure that OAR meets the ever-changing landscape, among others. Has the experience met your expectations?
A:  Absolutely! I can’t tell you how proud I am of our wonderful staff. I’m even more appreciative of the committee chairs, task force chairs and committee members who are always ready, willing and able to help tackle the challenges that arose this year. I have experienced just how great our membership is at solving problems and thinking “out of the box.” Thank you to ALL those who have shared their ideas!

Q.  Along this line…has there been an accomplishment–a defining moment if you will–that epitomizes what the Meg Hudson era has been all about?
A: I simply wanted to offer my talents to advance the interests of our great industry and, by doing so, help current and future property owners. Since the onset of our nation’s economic troubles in late 2007 it’s forced all of us to make difficult, but necessary, choices, both personally and professionally. OAR faced the same challenges. We tapped the best and brightest within our ranks to develop a plan that would ensure that the organization could continue to provide the programs and services that are necessary to succeed in today’s difficult environment. We were able to make a few cuts and redirect some additional resources in order to remain the strong and vibrant voice for real estate today and into the future. I cannot begin to express my sincere gratitude to each and every member who was willing to roll up their sleeve to confront and overcome the challenges we faced. Knowing the composition of Ohio’s REALTOR community, I’m confident of a limitless future!

Q. What is OAR’s greatest strength?
A: Our greatest strength is found within those who are willing to help…our volunteers who give, not for their own benefit, but for the good of the cause in order to keep our Association resilient and assist in meeting the needs of our local Boards/Associations and our shared membership.

Q. Conversely, where can the organization make improvements?
A: Non-dues revenue has been a topic all year long. Currently, we have a task force in place that will be brainstorming ideas and looking at what we can do to take the burden off the membership, while also hopefully adding some great programs in the future!

Q. To say that the past few years have been a challenge for the real estate industry is an understatement. What lessons can we take from our current situation and what opportunities are present as we move forward? Further, how will OAR help its members meet the challenge?
A: Our market continues to be a challenge in many ways as we all know. We need to stay educated on the market and inventory locally and, most importantly, we need to be the educators! We need to continue stressing to our elected leaders and to the public that home ownership does indeed matter. We can be our biggest cheerleaders or we can be the negative factor that will keep buyers from buying. What we need to realize is that waiting for the market to improve isn’t the solution…educating ourselves and others as to how to sell in this market is the answer. OAR has offered the SFR course that gives the step-by-step process on listing and selling short sales. Foreclosure information and short sale information is readily available. Keeping positive is the best approach. Monthly home sales data also keeps us informed around the state.

Q. The demands on a real estate professional’s time is overwhelming–whether it’s meeting the needs of buyers and sellers or attempting to have a life away from the office. Knowing that time is precious, why should the average REALTOR member become involved in activities at the local or state level?
A: Many hands certainly helps make the job easier. We have a great core of individuals that are active in the state and local activities…but could always use more assistance. I urge everyone to get involved…I promise you won’t be disappointed. Giving back or paying forward…however you look at it, your involvement with the REALTOR organization is a great experience.

Q. Hindsight is always 20-20. With that in mind and knowing the level of commitment that serving as an OAR office entails…if you were given the opportunity, would you do it all over again?
A: I would do it again! I have enjoyed all the activities involved and I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve.

Q. When you finally hand the reigns over to incoming President Bob Miller, how will you spend all of your new-found “free time?”
A: I intend to stay busy with OAR, supporting Bob in any way I can. He will make a fabulous president! At NAR I will keep involved with my committee appointment. Spending time with my baby granddaughter and family time will also be on the agenda as well.

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